Sofya Chutskova
1 min readFeb 9, 2021


My plans and goals

Today I would like to tell you about my plans and goals for the second semester. Frankly, now it is quite difficult for me to determine the goals, since my main goal is to increase my knowledge of the English language and successfully pass the summer session. But I clearly know what actions I need to do in order to achieve what I mentioned earlier. Analyzing the previous semester, I realized that I need to do something with my laziness and daily routine. I have heard from many people that procrastination is a vice of our society and it is a really big problem that definitely needs to be solved. The daily routine is also a sore subject, as I often just do not notice the time that I spend on the Internet or watching TV shows. Because of this, my health suffers in the first place, as well as efficiency and my ability to study. At the end of the session, I realized that I need to focus on grammar. I have a little difficulty with this part of studying the language, which I can eliminate if I will make enough effort.

